
What is Pantothenic Acid$%:

Before we discuss pantothenic acid uses, let's first cover what is pantothenic acid$%:
Pantothenic acid is also referred to as Vitamin B5 and is a water soluble vitamin.
Water soluble vitamins need to be taken in from the foods we eat or supplements we take since they cannot be stored by the body.

Pantothenic Acid Uses

Vitamin B5 supports carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism and hemoglobin synthesis.
One of its roles is to help assist in the release of energy from protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
A simpler way of stating this is that vitamin B5 is needed by the body for the metabolism of foods we eat.

Now that we know what pantothenic acid, let's cover some of its functions.

Pantothenic Acid Uses include:

Its presence is necessary for our bodies to synthesize cholesterol.

Some cholesterol is essential and needed to maintain the health of cell membranes. Recall that there is both good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL).
In list form, other possible pantothenic acid uses: may be "useful in acne, alcoholism, allergies, hairloss, asthma, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, candidiasis, heart disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, respiratory disorders, celiac disease, cystitis, dandruff, depression, diabetic neuropathy, enhancing immune function, improving athletic performance, grey hair, headache, hyperactivity, hypoglycemia, insomnia, irritability, low blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, muscular cramps in the legs associated with pregnancy or alcoholism, neuralgia, and obesity."

Further possible pantothenic acid uses include: "orally for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, peripheral neuritis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), prostatitis, protection against mental and physical stress and anxiety, reducing signs of aging, reducing susceptibility to colds and other infections, retarded growth, shingles, skin disorders, stimulating adrenal glands, mouth ulcers, chronic fatigue syndrome, vertigo, and wound healing."

Pantothenic Acid Deficiency

There are not many known pantothenic acid deficiency symptoms, but some include: numbness and tingling of hands and feet; irritability; constipation.
Also, certain people are more prone to suffer a pantothenic acid deficiency, such as: alcoholics and diabetics.

Always consult with your physician before beginning supplementation of any kind: especially pregnant or nursing women, and people on prescription medications or those who suffer from an existing health condition.

Tips for Choosing a Pantothenic Acid Supplement

1. Always invest your money in a product only from pharmaceutical GMP compliant manufacturers. The pharmaceutical GMP complaint facilities adhere to the highest standards of manufacturing for dietary supplements. Therefore it is necessary that you invest your money in such graded supplements. This is very crucial, because the U.S. supplement industry is unregulated. Even more badly, most products are contaminated or do not even contain what is stated on the label.

This way, you get the amount of Pantothenic Acid you paid for. And also ensure that you don't end up with contaminated ingredients.

2. Buy a pantothenic acid product that contains other B vitamins as well as they work synergistically.

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